Trusted by leading companies in every sector


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 Be Prepared is more than a slogan. In the ever-changing world of cybersecurity, proper preparation may actually ‘save’ your business from threats!


Be Prepared!

The cybersecurity landscape is constantly changing. New tools, new applications, newly discovered vulnerabilities, and even new staff brings with it an ever-present challenge. Preparation often begins with appropriate benchmarking and understanding where you are. 

This is where Parabellyx shines: We offer a wide range of affordable, start-up friendly, and flexible testing options to help you prepare for real-world threats. Whether we are testing your infrastructure, conducting penetration testing, or benchmarking your security controls/process against industry best practices, Parabellyx acts as your trusted cybersecurity partner.


Be Prepared!

Audits, whether expected or not, are costly and stressful. In fact, audits can be triggered by a variety of drivers, including:

  • Regulatory Audits (PCI, HIPAA, CMMC)
  • Clients’ requests for demonstrated security controls (SOC2, ISO 27001, NIST800)
  • Executive/Investor/Board level demands to understand your security posture
  • Government Mandates (CISA Secure Software Development Attestation, NYCR 500)

 Engaging with Parabellyx’s Governance Risk & Compliance team, means that you will be ready for both scheduled and ‘surprise’ requests while also maintaining industry best practices against the controls relevant to you.  Parabellyx’s leadership in this area is unmatched and proven by its ability to create customized, affordable, and high impact engagements. We do not embark on endless consulting engagements but rather work with you to deliver just what you need and when you need it.


Be Prepared!

Your clients and your business partners expect and deserve Trust. Conducting on-going cybersecurity testing of your code, your processes, and your infrastructure means that your customers and partners can be assured that their Digital Trust is more than a buzzword.

Parabellyx offers a unique service that will identify defects (including and especially) in the code your developers are producing. Delivered as a service and powered by both humans and advanced technology, Parabellyx is able to deliver this in a cost-effective, elegant, and flexible manner that suits you and your business.  Our business is to ensure the safety, security, and sanctity of your operation.

To be entered in the draw and to learn about these services and how they might apply to you or simply to chat with us about the state of cybersecurity, please reach out to us by filling out the following.

Win a one year subscription to CrunchLabs Mark Rober's Hack Pack!

  • 6 robot kits: Delivered bi-monthly (every other month) for a year, so you'll receive in total six robot kits.
  • Mark Rober's instructional videos: Each box comes with 15-30 minutes video by Mark Rober guiding you through the robot build.

Please fill out the form with correct information and submit it. Visit our booth on Thursday, June 20 to learn more about Parabellyx platforms delivering Continuous Security Assurance.